Counterfeit Products Avoidance Policy
It is an honor and privilege to be a supplier of electronic components and equipment to the Aviation and Maritime community for the past five years. From the commercial airliners, private owners aircraft and vessel, to the soldiers in the field, we serve some of the most dedicated, hard working, people in the World. Many of who put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe and keep us free serving in the US military. It is, therefore, incumbent on all of us to provide the very best equipment, manufactured with the best quality of materials and electronic components.
Counterfeit parts are a major problem in the electronics industry. Be assured, Hurricane Electronics, Inc. has always viewed surplus, or non-traceable parts as inherently suspect and screened accordingly. Furthermore, our inspection process has always been performed with counterfeit detection and avoidance in mind. Utilizing customer approved test house and screening items being delivered from the OEM and Franchise supply chain. The counterfeiters do not stop to rest, and neither does Hurricane Electronics, Inc. In 2012 as part of our continual improvement to not only meet and exceed our customer expectations we embarked on a journey formally documenting processes and procedures specific to “Counterfeit Electronic Parts Avoidance” encompassing both the SAE AS5553 standard and The Boeing Company’s D950-11160-1 compliance requirements to ensure we have and continue to mitigate any potential risk and continually improving our capabilities for detection of counterfeit product.
Hurricane Electronics, Inc. commits to the following:
- Factory new components will be procured directly from original manufacturers or their Authorized dealers.
- Our customer will always be advised of availability issues regarding parts they require. Parts will be scrupulously inspected in conformance to AS5553 and D950-11160-1 utilizing currently known techniques to identify suspect parts.
- Visual inspection, measurement, verification of date codes, lot numbers and manufacturer markings, marking permanency, non-destructive evaluation, destructive and electrical testing, burn-in etc. will be used based upon risk assessment.
Discovery of counterfeit parts will be immediately reported to ERAI and all pertinent parties.